September 5, 2008

Hello Kitty guns

Because nothing shows the true cuteness and sweet side of Hello Kitty — and the love and happiness she brings to all — as 50,000 volts of electricity streaming through your body:
Of course, the existence of a Hello Kitty taser gun shouldn’t come as a surprise at all considering all the Hello Kitty guns already out there. And if the Hello Kitty taser were used properly (as in Hello Kitty fanatics self-tasering themselves every time the thought of purchasing something Hello Kitty entered their mind), it really could be a benefit for society. Alas, I fear that if my wife ever gets one of these, the only use for it will come right before I get sent to the couch in the Hello Kitty sleeping bag. The fact that Hello Kitty Hell can always get worse is once again shown to be true…
Sent in by Chrissey who should use this device on herself multiple times as punishment for thinking that sending it to me could ever be a good idea.

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